Guidelines for Author



AKUMULASI: Indonesian Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance

A. Writing Format

  1. Manuscript is typed using Cambria font.
  2. Manuscript is written in a quarto paper size (A4), with upper, below, left, and right margins of 2 cm.
  3. The front page of the manuscript includes the title, author’s name, institution, country, and email of the corresponding author.
  4. The Result of Turnitin Checking (20%) and Author’s Statement Letter must be included.
  5. All pages are given sequential numbers, including the pages containing references and appendices.
  6. Headers and footers are used for additional information about the content (not for providing supplementary information about the author and title of the article).
  7. Manuscript is prepared following the template provided by the AKUMULASI: Indonesian Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance available on Manuscript Template.


B. Manuscript Section

  1. TITLE. The title should be straightforward, clear, and informative. This section is presented in Cambria 12 font, with 1.15 space; Capitalize Each Word; bold; and Centered.
  2. NAME OF THE AUTHOR, INSTITUTION, COUNTRY, AND E-MAIL. This section contains the author's name (without academic title), name of the institution (study program, faculty, and university), name of the country, and e-mail address (corresponding author). If a manuscript is written by a team, the editor only deals with the first author (or corresponding author). This section is presented in the Cambria 11 font; 1.15 space; Capitalize Each Word; and Centered.
  3. ABSTRACT. The abstract is composed of a maximum of 250 words, while keywords are composed of 3-5 words (in alphabetical order). The abstract contains the main issues, objectives, methods, research results, and implications. The abstract title is presented in the Cambria 12 font; 1.15 space; UPPERCASE; bold; and Centered. The abstract body is written in Cambria 11 font; 1.15 space; Sentence case; and Justified. Meanwhile, the keywords are typed with the Cambria 11 font; 1.15 space; Sentence case; and Left.
  4. INTRODUCTION. This section describes the background on issues, problems, urgency, research novelty, research rationalization, research objectives and contributions, and literature review. For a research article, the literature review details a synchronization of theoretical frameworks, reviews of previous research, and hypothesis development. Meanwhile, for a conceptual article, the problems/issues are discussed in the Introduction. The Introduction and References are presented in uniform writing format: 1) TITLE-INTRODUCTION, RESEARCH METHOD, etc: Cambria, 12; Space 1.15; UPPERCASE; Bold; and Justified; and 2) the body of the article: Cambria, 11; Space 1.15; Sentence case; Justified.
  5. RESEARCH METHOD. This section presents the research design, scope, data collection techniques, and analysis techniques.
  6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. This section presents the results of the research analysis, describes the results of data processing and logical interpretation of findings, as well as links them to relevant reference sources (can be completed with tables, graphs/pictures, or charts).
  7. CONCLUSION. This section provides a brief summary of the research results and discussions that address the research objectives and presents certain methodological or procedural difficulties (beyond the researcher's control) as well as practical and theoretical recommendations that are useful for further research.
  8. REFERENCES. The minimum number of references is 20 (primary reference is recommended), published in the past 10 years. The references only include the works cited in the body of the article. The citations and references are written based on the APA 7th Edition style. To help compile references, please use the Mendeley application tool.


C. Tables and Figures

The following is the format for tables and figures:

  1. The title of the table is written above the table with Cambria 11, 1.15 space, Sentence case, and Left. Information in the table is typed with 1 space, a horizontal line for the first line (table subtitle), and the last line, without a vertical line.
  2. The title of the figure (picture) is presented below the picture with Cambria 11 font, 1.15 space, Sentence case, and Centered. The figure is prepared in printable form (not cropped).
  3. Sources of tables and figures must be listed.
  4. The titles of tables and figures are numbered sequentially from 1 to the last.


D. References

Example (in-text citation):

Cocoa is one of the functional foods in Madiun (Ariyantoro et al., 2019). The research by Widodo et al. (2019) has concluded the need for an environmentally friendly approach to preventing bad pollution, particularly by increasing the awareness of public and business actors in managing liquid waste by creating an integrated wastewater treatment system.

Example (reference list citation):

Ariyantoro, A. R., Anam, C., Kawiji, K., Minardi, S., Zulfa, F., Purnomo, D., … Widiatmoko, C. (2019). Pengembangan produk cokelat couverture dengan penambahan pangan fungsional di Desa Randualas Kecamatan Kare Kabupaten Madiun. PRIMA: Journal of Community Empowering and Services, 3(2), 43-38.

Widodo, T., Budiastuti, M. T. S., & Komariah, K. (2019). Water quality and pollution index in Grenjeng River, Boyolali Regency, Indonesia. Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 34(2), 150-161.