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  • Media Riset Manajemen
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  • Monitoring: Journal of Anti-Corruption Studies
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  • Journal of Accounting, Governance, and Organization
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  • Innovations in Science Education and Practice
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  • Geadidaktika
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  • Bio-Pedagogi: Jurnal Pembelajaran Biologi
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  • DIAKRONIK: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Sejarah
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  • Journal of Applied Agriculture, Health, and Technology
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  • Jurnal Orthopaedagogia
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  • Magna Neurologica
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  • TAMA: Journal of Visual Arts
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  • Journal of Policy
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  • Mandarinable: Journal of Chinese Studies
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  • Ecotrends
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  • Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Terapan
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  • Indonesian Journal of Learning and Instructional Innovation
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  • International Journal of Accounting, Governance, and Society
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  • Montase: Journal of Visual Arts
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  • Plexus Medical Journal
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  • AKUMULASI: Indonesian Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance
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  • Sovereignty
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  • EVOKASI: Jurnal Kajian Administrasi dan Sosial Terapan
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  • Indonesian Journal of Environment and Disaster
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  • Plantae Protecta
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  • Filitra Cultura
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  • Semar Law Society: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Hukum
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  • Journal of Public Administration and Governance Insights (PAGI)
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  • Albuchuts
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  • JURNAL PROFESI PENDIDIK Ikatan Sarjana Pendidikan Indonesia (ISPI) Jawa Tengah
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