
  • ALDI ADI PRATAMA Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • ELAN NURUL PAOZAN Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • TOMY JARVINDO Universitas Tanjungpura


This research explores the strategies of private companies in dealing with trade discrimination carried out by developed countries by utilizing the BRICS economic alliance. This study analyzes how companies from BRICS member countries increase their global competitiveness through strategic collaboration and market diversification. BRICS as a 'new bloc' organization in fighting the dominance of the USD and other developed countries, is expected to help global companies, especially developing countries, to avoid economic discrimination. This research method uses a descriptive analytic approach, which emphasizes explaining the results of data processing. The data used is the results of interviews from company XYZ, especially policy owners who are interested in organizational management. In order to improve the quality of the final results, researchers also use the literature review method to support each observation or conclusion. The results of the research explain that BRICS adheres to the principles of corporate government values, namely having a related goal of fighting discrimination by developed countries. Such as supporting the economies of all countries in facing the hegemony of the United States or other developed countries. This research provides insight into the importance of strategic alliances among developing countries in building economic resilience against global discrimination.


Economy, Policy, Developing Countries, Private


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How to Cite

ADI PRATAMA, A. ., NURUL PAOZAN, E. ., & JARVINDO, T. . (2024). BRICS PLANNING ANALYSIS OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN XYZ PRI VATE COMPANY . Journal of Accounting, Governance, and Organization, 1(1). Retrieved from


