Journal of Applied Agriculture, Health, and Technology <p><strong>Journal of Applied Agriculture, Health and Technology </strong></p> <p>Journal of Applied Agriculture, Health and Technology, abbreviated JAHT, is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal published biannually. JAHT aims to update the applied agriculture, pharmacy, health community issues, applied engineering, and technology and accepts original research, review articles, and short communications. Published by the Vocational School of Universitas Sebelas Maret Indonesia regularly (twice a year) in June and December</p> <p>ISSN Online: <a href="">2963-3028</a></p> <p>ISSN Print: <a href="">2963-4873</a></p> en-US (Diyah Tri Utami) (Rizka Mulyani) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Hubungan Beban Kerja Fisik dan Shift Kerja dengan Kelelahan Kerja Pada Karyawan Operator Packing di PT So Good Food-Unit UHT Boyolali <p>Work fatigue is still a major occupational safety and health issue for packing operators at PT. So Good <br />Food-Unit UHT Boyolali. This is in line with data showing that 32.8% of 58,115 workers in Indonesia <br />suffer from work fatigue. In 2021, there were 262 occupational accidents in Central Java, of which 50% <br />were caused by work fatigue. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between physical workload <br />and shift work with work fatigue. This study is an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional <br />design. The respondents were taken from 55 packing operator employees of PT. So Good Food-Unit <br />UHT Boyolali from a total of 121 employees. The sampling technique used was Disproportionate <br />Stratified Random Sampling. This study used a finger pulse oximeter to measure the level of physical <br />workload and a reaction timer to measure the level of work fatigue, while shift work data was obtained <br />through the company's shift work schedule. Data analysis techniques used were the Somers’d Test and <br />the Multiple Ordinal Logistic Regression Test. The results of the Somers’d Test showed that there was <br />a relationship between physical workload and work fatigue (d = 0.783; p = 0.001), and there was a <br />relationship between shift work and work fatigue (d = 0.783; p = 0.001). The results of a multiple ordinal <br />logistic regression test proved that shift work was the most influential variable on work fatigue with an <br />OR = 7.205. There was a significant relationship between physical workload and shift work with work <br />fatigue in packing operator employees at PT. So Good Food-Unit UHT Boyolali.</p> Sumardiyono, Mutiara Putri Pertiwi, Dian Nugroho Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Applied Agriculture, Health, and Technology Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Hubungan Beban Kerja Mental dan Kelelahan Kerja dengan Unsafe Action pada Pengemudi Batik Solo Trans (BST) Koridor 1 <p>Batik Solo Trans bus corridor 1 is a corridor that serves the longest route with a distance of ±54 km <br />and 121 stops. Secondary data shows an increase in the incidence of BST accidents by 8 cases (18%) <br />in 2022 with 43 cases. The type of accident was dominated by unsafe action as many as 26 cases <br />(60%) and 8 cases (30%) of which occurred in corridor 1. This study aimed to analyze the relationship <br />between mental workload and work fatigue with unsafe action in BST corridor 1 drivers. Respondents <br />were taken from BST corridor 1 drivers with a population and sample of 64 people. The sampling <br />technique uses total sampling. The study used questionnaires to measure mental workload, fatigue, and <br />unsafe action. Data analysis techniques in this study are pearson product-moment test for bivariate <br />analysis and the multiple linear regression test for multivariate analysis. The correlation test results <br />obtained p = 0.000 and r = 0.661, meaning that there is a meaningful and significant relationship <br />between mental workload and unsafe action. The correlation test of the work fatigue variable with <br />unsafe action also showed an important relationship between the two with p = 0.000 and r = 0.640 <br />values. Based on multiple linear regression tests, a significance value of 0.000 was obtained, which <br />means that mental workload and work fatigue together affect unsafe action with a contribution of 53% <br />and fatigue is the most influential variable on unsafe action in BST corridor 1 drivers.</p> Apri Fadhillah Maharani Sunarno Putri, Ratna Fajariani, Sri Haryati Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Applied Agriculture, Health, and Technology Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan Kebakaran dan Masa Kerja terhadap Unsafe Action Kebakaran pada Karyawan PT. X <p>Fire unsafe actions can be influenced by the driving factors of the workers themselves, including fire <br />knowledge and work period, then the knowledge and work period of a person can trigger a behavior. <br />This study aims to analyze the relationship between fire knowledge and tenure on fire unsafe actions in <br />PT. X employees.This research is an analytic observational study, with a cross sectional approach. The <br />population in this study were workers totaling 200 workers, then from this population 80 research <br />respondents were obtained with a sampling technique using simple random sampling. This study used a <br />questionnaire of fire knowledge variables and tenure and unsafe actions as data collection instruments. <br />The data analysis technique used is the Somers'D test to test whether there is a relationship or not after <br />being tested for ordinal logistic regression. The results of the ordinal logistic regression test show that <br />the fire knowledge and tenure variables analyzed are significantly related to unsafe fire actions, p value <br />= 0.000, and have decreased in -2 log likelihood. Fire knowledge has a wald value of 30.449 while the <br />working period only has a wald value of 14.526 so that from the wald value it can be concluded that fire <br />knowledge is a variable that is very influential on fire unsafe actions. The result of Nagelkerke R-Square <br />is 0.494 (49.4%) this basis states that the independent variable is able to explain the dependent variable <br />by 49.4%. There is a significant relationship between fire knowledge and work period on fire unsafe <br />actions among PT. X employees.</p> Alif Faiq Hernanda, Bachtiar Chahyadi, Sri Mulyani Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Applied Agriculture, Health, and Technology Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Hubungan Beban Kerja Fisik dan Sikap Kerja dengan Unsafe Action pada Pekerja Bagian Tab PT. Solo Murni Boyolali <p>The rapid development of the industry, besides its positive impact, also gives rise to various problems <br />such as the increased risk of occupational accidents in the workplace. The cause of a work accident is <br />an unsafe act in the form of human error. Up to 88% of workplace accidents are caused by unsafe actions. <br />Personal factors are factors that influence the formation of dangerous actions. The physical workload is <br />related to the physical capacity of the worker, the higher the workload that the worker receives, the more <br />fatigue will be created, thereby reducing concentration at work, easy dangerous behavior occurs. Work <br />attitude is the single most important factor in determining workplace safety. In this study, the sampling <br />technique used is intentional sampling with a total of 70 respondents. Physical workload was measured <br />by pulseoximeter, work attitude and unsafe actions were measured by questionnaire. Two-variable <br />analysis used Somers test while multivariate analysis used ordinal logistic regression analysis. Statistical <br />test results show that the physical workload variable has a p = 0.000 (&lt;0.05) value and the work attitude <br />variable has a p = 0.002 (&lt; 0.05) value. Based on the ordinal logistic regression test, the physical <br />workload variable is known to have a greater influence on hazardous actions with a Wald value of <br />20,383.</p> Sofi Nur Jannah, Hengky Ditya Eko Nugroho, Ratna Fajariani Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Applied Agriculture, Health, and Technology Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Hubungan Pengetahuan K3 dan Sikap dengan Unsafe Action pada Mekanik Bengkel di Pulogebang Jakarta Timur <p>The average motorcycle repair industry grows and operates in the informal sector. Mechanic activities <br />such as oil change services, oil filter replacement, carburetor cleaning, spare parts replacement, and <br />engine disassembly usually come into contact with chemicals such as lubricants or oils, thinners, battery <br />fluids, and gasoline. These activities can lead to work accidents and diseases such as slips, sprains, <br />pinches, falls, and being hit by work equipment such as pliers and screwdrivers. This study aims to <br />analyze the relationship between occupational safety and health knowledge and attitudes towards unsafe <br />actions in mechanics in Pulogebang, East Jakarta. This study uses an analytical observational research <br />method with a quantitative research approach. The research design used was a cross-sectional study <br />conducted at a motorcycle automotive workshop. The sampling method used was a saturated sampling <br />technique with 38 respondents. The tools used in this study were questionnaires on occupational safety <br />and health knowledge, attitude, and unsafe action. The results of the study showed that there was a <br />relationship between occupational safety and health knowledge (p=0.000) and attitude (p=0.000) with <br />unsafe action. Occupational safety and health knowledge had a wald value of 4.732 and attitude had a <br />wald value of 4.806. Therefore, the attitude variable had a greater influence on unsafe action. The <br />Nagelkerke R-Square of 0.582 means that the variables of knowledge and attitude could explain 58.2% <br />of the variance in unsafe action. There is a significant relationship between K3 knowledge and attitude <br />with unsafe action among mechanics in Pulogebang, East Jakarta.</p> Sri Aji Cakraningrum, Seviana Rinawati, Tyas Lilia Wardani Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Applied Agriculture, Health, and Technology Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000