MANDARINABLE : Journal of Chinese Studies <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">MANDARINABLE: Journal of Chinese Studies</a> is a bi-annual journal, published in April and October. This journal is an English and, Chinese language journal to publish written works and research results on the Chinese Studies of language, literature, culture, and journalism. Along with the development of technological systems in the field of literacy, on August 23 2022 the MANDARINABLE Journal used the Online Journal System (OJS) with E-ISSN numbers: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2962-4258</a> and P-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2962-424X</a>. This journal was initiated and managed by Confucius Institute, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta.</p> en-US <p>This is an open-access journal in accordance with the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</a> license. This permits users to:</p> <p>Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format<br />Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material<br />for any purpose, even commercially.</p> <p>Under the following terms:<br />Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.</p> <p>No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.</p> (Rudiansyah, M.Hum) (Ulfah Yanuar Lianisyah, M.TCSOL) Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Learners’ Perceptions Towards the Effectiveness of MOOC in Learning Mandarin <p>The Massive Online Open Course or MOOC was officially launched in Malaysia in 2012. Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), as one of Malaysia's higher education institutions, also involved actively in the promotion of MOOC. Therefore, MOOC UiTM were officially established in 2019. MOOC on Foundation Mandarin (Level II) or MOOC TMC151 is one of the MOOC courses which could be found on the MOOC UiTM. MOOC TMC151 has become as the primary platform neither for the implementation of Online Distance Learning (ODL), nor blended learning during the pandemic. Hence, it is important to explore the effect of the application of MOOC TMC151 in Mandarin learning. To that reason, this study included 36 students who enrolled "Foundation Mandarin (II)" at Universiti Teknologi MARA as respondents to evaluate the effect of the application of MOOC TMC151 in blended learning based on the "Four-level" evaluation of Kirkpatrick Model. Five points Likert scale was utilized to answer the “Four-level” evaluation of Kirkpatrick Model which included “Reaction”, “Behavior” and “Result” level whereas “Learning” level utilized students’ self-evaluate towards their learning in MOOC TMC151. Findings from this study revealed that:(1) For “Reaction” level, students showed their satisfaction with the MOOC TMC151; (2) For “Learning” level, students are more active, which in turn improves their knowledge of Mandarin; (3) There have also been some changes in student behaviour, students found to be test taking, competitive and communicative after the use of MOOC TMC151; (4) At the “Result” level, it was found that students’ performance in Mandarin learning has improved. As a result, students further expressed their desire of using MOOC TMC151 and recommend MOOC TMC151 to friends.</p> TING Hie Ling, Ye Jun Copyright (c) 2023 TING Hie Ling, Ye Jun Thu, 21 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A Study on the Establishment of a Faculty of Chinese Proficient Teachers and the Development Model of Chinese Expert Thai Teachers at the Primary and Secondary level in Thailand <p>The development of Chinese teachers in Thailand has been going on for a long time. At the present time, Thai Chinese teachers are the important resource persons on driving Chinese language teaching in Thailand. The study of the establishment of a panel of Chinese language proficient teachers and the development model of Chinese language proficient teachers in the primary and secondary level in Thailand is one of the important education issues at present. The objective of this research is to study the establishment of a panel of teachers who are experts in Chinese language and the development model of Chinese language proficient teachers in the primary and secondary schools in Thailand. The data was collected from 21 training sessions from Thai Chinese teachers nationwide. Altogether 1,400 teachers participated in the training during 2020-2022. The research methods include literature analysis, observation, and focus group interview. The results of the study showed that: 1) A panel of teachers who specialize in Chinese at various levels should be established concretely. 2) The development model of Chinese proficient teachers should be categorized in development, and 3) To promote and develop in order to increase the number of expert Chinese teachers.</p> Pichai Kaewbut Copyright (c) 2023 Pichai Kaewbut Thu, 21 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A Comprehensive Analysis of Research Motivation in Second Language Learning in The Past Ten Years <p>In the past ten years, academic research on second language motivation has been very fruitful, and the number of published studies in this field far exceeds the characteristics of other language learners. It is worth noting that compared with the prosperity of second language motivation research in foreign journals, the number of domestic literature published in the field of Chinese as a second language acquisition has been significantly reduced. This study selects foreign second language acquisition academic circles and domestic Chinese from January 2010 to August 2021 as the main journals of second language acquisition research, artificially screens research articles with the theme of "second language motivation", and conducts characteristics Coding and statistical analysis, according to the displayed theoretical framework and research method trends, inspect the current research status of this field, analyze the differences between domestic and foreign research, and predict the future research progress.</p> Chen Wenjing Copyright (c) 2023 Chen Wenjing Wed, 27 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Comparative Analysis of The Development of Chinese Language Teaching in Indonesia and Malaysia——Focusing on Bereday's Four Step Method of Comparative Education Research <p>At present, Chinese teaching as a second language is becoming more and more famous, especially in countries along the One Belt One Road. As part of the One Belt One Road, Indonesia and Malaysia are no exception. Indonesia and Malaysia are neighboring countries in Southeast Asia. The purpose of this study is to compare educational research, using Bereday's "Four Step Approach to Comparative Education Research" methodology, and using various literature to conduct literature research as support for the research. Research has shown that the development of Chinese language teaching in Indonesia is slightly slower than that in Malaysia, which is influenced by these three factors, learning content, government policies, and history.</p> David Vincensius Copyright (c) 2024 David Vincensius Wed, 27 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Research on The Current Situation of Chinese Language Teaching in Kyrgyzstan <p>In today's world, global economic integration is accelerating, and the integration of countries in the political, economic, and cultural fields is further deepening. Language is a communication tool for countries to understand each other and an essential component of international cooperation. Today, learning foreign languages and spreading national languages are increasingly being incorporated into a country's foreign policy strategy, which positively impacts its internal development and helps it expand its influence to other countries. With the increasing popularity of Chinese language and culture abroad, the interest of Kyrgyz citizens in Chinese is also constantly increasing. It is essential to promote Chinese culture and the Chinese language in Kyrgyzstan. The teaching of Chinese in primary and secondary schools and universities in Kyrgyzstan, as well as the work of Confucius Institutes, have provided new impetus and energy for developing cooperation between the two countries. The article analyzes the opportunities and challenges of foreign language and Chinese language teaching in Kyrgyzstan through case analysis, comparative analysis, and literature review. The author concludes that the successful teaching of the Chinese language in education in Kyrgyzstan is inseparable from the political, economic, and cultural support of Kyrgyzstan and its partner countries.</p> Sulaimanova Zhypar Copyright (c) 2024 Sulaimanova Zhypar Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 From Opposition to Collaboration: The Evolution of Participatory Culture in The LinaBell IP Generation <p>The rapid rise of LinaBell has been a carnival driven by online user participation. It not only reflects the active agency and creative initiative of audiences in participatory culture but also advances the development of participatory texts, transforming the relationship between producers and recipients from opposition to collaboration. Throughout this process, both parties benefit and fulfill their respective needs. Creators generate higher commercial value with lower production costs, while recipients experience immersive and interactive aesthetic enjoyment through their engagement. The success of LinaBell popularity is also related to the unique form of fan culture in China. Furthermore, it ingeniously addresses the long-standing copyright issues that have hindered user participation in creative processes. However, it is important to acknowledge that this type of storyless intellectual property (IP) has both advantages and limitations.</p> Liu Yi, Chen Rui Copyright (c) 2023 Liu Yi, Chen Rui Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Gelijkgesteld: The Change of Chinese Legal Status Under Indonesian Colonial Structure <p>This research attemps to reveal a phenomenon of legal history that has occurred so far, namely the process of achieving equal rights or internal naturalisation of the Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The time period chosen is the colonial era with the consideration that at the time this ethnicity was directly involved in the legal system. By researching it, it is hoped that it can be known where the actual aim of granting the status of subject and citizen to the Chinese people in the colonial legal system and will continue in the national legal system. Considering that the chosen period is the Dutch East-Indies era, this paper uses historical research method with an emphasis on contemporary archival sources, which are traced, critiqued, analysed, and finally reconstructed. Based on the chosen theme of legal status, the archives that are used mostly take legal history data such as colonial era regulations and testimonies of their applications or public responses in contemporaneous newspapers. As a conclusion, it can be stated that Chinese ethnic were the object of policy and were not negatively responsive but accepted it with the hope of achieving the most benefit from the policy that was applied to them.</p> Harto Juwono Copyright (c) 2023 Harto Juwono Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 How Can Man Become Virtuous from The Confucian Perspective <p>Human values have always been a fundamental element in supporting a harmonious life in society. Humanistic philosophy, as taught by Confucius, stresses moral virtues and an ethical way of life that promotes. Though there are many things in the world that are in contradiction with human values, despite advancements in science and technology cannot ensure that human virtue values remain the primary focus over profits. After all, prioritizing one's own interests over the welfare of society will inevitably cause significant harm and social disintegration. For thousands of years, Confucian thought has been considered capable of shaping the balance of life, justice, filial piety, and ethical behavior in accordance with Confucius' rules to maintain social harmony in China, including when confronted with the country's social-economic problems. Then, from a Confucian standpoint, how can man become virtuous, and what lessons can we learn? Another question is, what, according to this philosophy, distinguishes humans? Confucius laid great emphasis on moral education to cultivate an individual as a person. His moral education aimed to improve character and behavior, training people to become completely virtuous and 君子 (jūnzǐ). According to Confucius, a man will be able to become virtuous by cultivating the teachings of virtue along with his own self-development, and the environment is a significant influence on a person's behavior. Both now and in the next decades, a leader who is conscious of virtue values and is concerned with the subject's well-being and national unity, in addition to self-development and self-cultivation efforts in carrying out the five virtues, is also highly needed.</p> Pratiwi Nasyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Pratiwi Nasyanti Fri, 19 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Culinary for The Spirits: The Reality of Cultural Acculturation of The Chinese Peranakan of Palembang <p>We usually talk about food, the way it is served, its types, and its beauty aspects in terms of satisfying the pleasures of the human eye and sense of taste. Therefore, in gastronomy, the things above receive great attention. Unsurprisingly, culinary art institutions have been established up to the academic level since decades ago. However, this paper presents a slightly different field of gastronomy, namely gastronomy for the ancestral spirits prayer ceremony, named <em>coki/cuki </em>prayer in Hokkian language (祖祭) which is still practiced today by the Chinese Peranakan of Palembang or we can say “Peranakan Palembang”, South Sumatra. This ritual ceremony, which is hundreds of years old is quite interesting, carried out by people of Chinese descent, both Totok and Peranakan, old and young generations. This paper focuses only on the Chinese Peranakan in Palembang. From here the question arises, why is this custom still maintained in modern times, even though the costs involved are not small? What type of food shows cultural acculturation? From a gastronomic point of view, how are the dishes served arranged? Are there rules? Research data consists of photos and information obtained from informants, and also researchers’ observations of Chinese Peranakan Palembang families because they are considered to know more about and carry out the rules related to the teaching of Confucianism (Tan, 1979). <em>Shenism </em>(Gondomono, 2013) and filial piety or 孝<em>xiào </em>in Confucian religious teachings are two philosophical thinking to know the reason why this ceremony is still carried out today. The research method is descriptive qualitative. The data from the informants will be sorted based on the type of dish, and how it is served, then will be described qualitatively, so that an understanding will be gained regarding the preservation of this prayer ceremony. The novelty of this paper is to increase knowledge about the existence of the culinary for spirits and the philosophical background.</p> Hermina Sutami, Assa Rahmawati Kabul Copyright (c) 2024 Hermina Sutami; Assa Rahmawati Kabul Fri, 09 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Spread of Chaoshan Food Culture in Pontianak <p>"Food is the first necessity of the people" illustrates the importance of diet in people's lives. Food is closely related to everyone's life. Food is closely related to everyone's life, it affects the survival of each ethnic group and forms the cultural essence of that ethnic group. "Chaoshan cuisine is the best in the world", the unique taste makes Chaoshan cuisine famous all over the world, and enjoys the honor of "the hometown of Chaoshan cuisine". When hipsters go overseas to make a living, they still maintain their original food customs and hobbies. Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, is one of the cities where Chaoshan people immigrate and live more, and it still retains a strong Chaoshan culture, and we can still find a lot of Chaoshan cuisine in Pontianak's Chinatown, and Chaoshan cuisine accounts for most of Pontianak's food culture. With the mountains and the sea in the backdrop of the mountains, and the longest river in Indonesia, Sungai Kapuas, running through the city, Pontianak has a pleasant climate, beautiful scenery and abundant products. Due to its unique wealth, the delicacies of the mountains and seas – a wide variety of seafood and other ingredients – provide a rich resource for people to cook delicious meals. Most of the Chinese in Pontianak are descendants of the Teochew people, so a food culture based on Teochew flavors has been formed - "Pontianak cuisine" that is derived from Teochew cuisine but is more distinctive than Teochew cuisine. But will all these Haitian food cultures change? This article will analyze and compare the methods mainly used in this study, followed by interviews and discussions with relevant people.</p> Paula Aretha Copyright (c) 2024 Paula Aretha Tue, 13 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000