Jurnal Orthopaedagogia 2024-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Donni Prakosha Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Orthopaedagogia: Journal of Special Education and Inclusive Education</strong> merupakan <em>jurnal </em>yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jurnal ini <em>bertujuan untuk mempublikasi artikel akademik terkait dengan anak berkebutuhan khusus dan layanan anak berkebutuhan khusus. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali setahun yaitu pada bulan Februari dan Agustus. </em></p> Kesiapan Calon Guru Pengajar Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing pada Kelas Inklusi 2024-02-04T06:41:34+00:00 Memet Sudaryanto Bivit Anggoro P.N. Vera Krisnawati Siti Junawaroh Wiekandini Dyah P.W Islahuddin <p><em>Class mastery for prospective teacher students is at more than just the level of preparing </em><em>learning tool documents. This research aims to describe the readiness of prospective teachers </em><em>to teach Indonesian to foreign speakers (BIPA) with specific unique characteristics. Based on </em><em>the results of a survey of 450 prospective teacher students in Indonesian Language Education </em><em>study programs spread across Central Java, it was found that students' ability to plan </em><em>Indonesian language teaching for foreign speakers in inclusion classes was still low, namely an </em><em>average of 6.14 on a scale of 10; Students' readiness in teaching is also not optimal, namely </em><em>6.23 on a scale of 10; Students' readiness to create tools that are friendly to students with </em><em>special needs on a scale of 5.43 out of 10. Regarding the enthusiasm and perspective of </em><em>prospective teachers in teaching Indonesian to foreign speakers in inclusion classes, it was </em><em>found that (1) students have high enthusiasm in teaching Indonesian to foreign speakers, </em><em>namely 8.50 on a scale of 10, while (2) students have a favorable view of the implementation of </em><em>Indonesian language learning for foreign speakers. Classroom management is learning </em><em>management that is important for prospective teachers to master, especially when dealing with </em><em>international students who have special needs.</em></p> 2024-02-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Orthopaedagogia Dampak Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Terhadap Kemampuan Melakukan Aktivitas Sehari-hari Siswa Autis Kelas XII di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di SLBIT Baitul Jannah Bandar Lampung 2024-02-04T07:22:03+00:00 Devi Novitasari Ossy Firstanti Wardany Rianti Novtasari <p><em>This research aims to determine the impact of Distance Learning (PJJ) on daily activities related </em><em>to toileting in a student with autism spectrum disorder in 12th grade at SLBIT Baitul Jannah </em><em>Bandar Lampung during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a qualitative case study </em><em>type method. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interviews, </em><em>and documentation. The informants in this research were the class teacher, parents, and the </em><em>autistic student. Data analysis qualitatively, and the data triangulation used was source and </em><em>technique triangulation. The results show that the student has been able to carry out toileting </em><em>activities well and independently since 6th grade. However, he experienced a setback after </em><em>distance learning. 2 factors cause a decreased in toileting skills, namely factors originating from </em><em>the student himself (internal) and from outside the student (external). </em></p> 2024-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Orthopaedagogia A Bibliometric Examination of Leisure-Time Activities Tailored for Adults with Disabilities 2024-02-04T08:05:33+00:00 Fitri Dwi Arini im Harun Pamungkas Muhamad Fahrur Rozi Ridha Husnul Hayati <p><em>Leisure activity promote the functioning and well-being of adults with disabilities. This study objective was to methodically mapping the latest scientific research findings concerning leisure-time activities specifically designed for adults with disabilities. The study employed bibliometric analysis, a well-regarded method in academic literature known for its ability to thoroughly examine the scientific advancements within a particular subject area. To accomplish this, we gathered scholarly articles published up to December 2022 from the comprehensive Scopus database. Leveraging the robust analytical tool VOSviewer, we conducted a detailed co-citation analysis to identify the most frequently occurring keywords and the countries with the highest research productivity in the expansive field of leisure-time activities for adults with disabilities. The result revealed that the U.S is the most productive country, followed by European countries and Australia. In addition, disability, physical activity, exercise, rehabilitation, and multiple sclerosis are the main research topics of the field. The results of this research contribute to help researchers and provide input for stakeholders to gain a general understanding of the development of the leisure activity programmed for adults with disabilities.</em></p> 2024-02-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Orthopaedagogia Masalah Membaca Pemahaman Literal pada Siswa Kelas 2 Sekolah Dasar 2024-02-04T08:27:23+00:00 Rona Wulandari Endang Rochyadi Juhanaini <p><em>One common reading phenomenon is that many children read fluently but do not understand </em><em>the content of the reading. In the second grade of elementary school, not all children are able to </em><em>master reading with literal comprehension well. This condition shows that mastery of reading </em><em>with literal comprehension is a necessity for children with learning difficulties. This research </em><em>aims to explain the forms of children's errors when reading texts and the areas of literal reading </em><em>comprehension that are difficult for children with reading difficulties to master. The research was </em><em>carried out using qualitative methods with a descriptive type on seven students with reading </em><em>difficulties. The results of the research show that there are ten forms of reading errors when </em><em>students read text, while the domains of literal comprehension reading skills that are difficult to </em><em>master are elements of character, cause and effect relationships, elements of similarities and </em><em>differences, and elements of details/facts. Based on the research results that have been </em><em>obtained, it is understood that the ability to read texts influences children's ability to understand </em><em>the content of reading texts.</em></p> 2024-02-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Orthopaedagogia Hubungan Motivasi Diri dengan Kemampuan Menghafal Al-Qur’an Bagi Santri Tunarungu di Pondok Pesantren Tunarungu Jamhariyah Kabupaten Sleman 2024-02-04T08:54:59+00:00 Rifdah Nurul Hayyah Subagya Arsy Anggrellanggi <p><em>This research aims to determine the relationship between self-motivation and the ability to memorize the Qur'an among deaf-mute students at the Jamhariyah Deaf Boarding School in Sleman Regency. The research method used is a quantitative correlational method. The subjects in this study were 20 deaf-mute students at the Jamhariyah Deaf Boarding School. The sampling technique was done through purposive sampling based on several criteria. Data collection techniques used self-motivation scales and tests of the ability to memorize the Qur'an. The instrument's validity technique used expert judgment and the Product Moment formula, while reliability testing used the Cronbach's Alpha formula. The reliability results for the self motivation scale were 0.803, and for the test of the ability to memorize the Qur'an, it was 0.921. The data analysis of this research used Pearson Product Moment correlation analysis with the assistance of IBM SPSS. The results of this research show a calculated correlation (0.932) &gt; the tabled r (0.444), for a significance level of 5%, thus accepting the hypothesis. Based on the results of the research and data analysis conducted, it can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between self-motivation and the ability to memorize the Qur'an among deaf-mute students at the Tunarungu Jamhariyah Islamic Boarding School in Sleman Regency. </em></p> 2024-02-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Orthopaedagogia