About the Journal
Albuchuts is a scholarly journal published by the Arabic Literature Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Surakarta, Indonesia. Albuchuts Journal is published biannually, in June and December.
Albuchuts Journal features research articles and literature reviews on various topics related to Middle Eastern studies, including language, literature, culture, society, and politics. Articles are written in English, Arabic, or Indonesian.
Starting from next Volume, Albuchuts Journal has introduced a fresh new journal layout and design. This update aims to refresh the appearance of the Albuchuts Journal, align it with modern international journal standards, and provide readers with an enhanced reading experience.
The objectives of Albuchuts Journal are as follows:
- To publish research findings and literature reviews related to the Middle Eastern region across various fields as a platform for disseminating scholarly ideas.
- To foster academic knowledge and insights among academics and researchers in Middle Eastern studies from diverse perspectives worldwide.
- To serve as a platform for researchers of the Middle East worldwide to engage in academic discussions and seek scholarly solutions to regional challenges.
Historically, Albuchuts Journal was initially published as part of the academic activities of the Arabic Literature Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UNS. The publication of Albuchuts Journal became a regular academic activity organized by the department.