Availability Of Green Open Space For Oxygen Needs In Kadipaten Village, Wiradesa District, Pekalongan Regency
Common problems that arise in Indonesia are increasing population density and increasing the size of urban areas which results in land conversion. Development in an area can have an impact on decreasing Green Open Space (GOS). Reduced vegetation or green open space reduces the environmental carrying capacity to absorb pollutant gases and provide oxygen. Oxygen is a very important component for humans and animals. The aim of this research is to look at the actual conditions of GOS in Kadipaten Village and estimate the current need for GOS to estimate oxygen needs. This research was conducted in Kadipaten Village, Wiradesa District, Pekalongan Regency. This type of research uses a quantitative descriptive approach from secondary and primary data. The area of Green Open Space (GOS) is known through digitization and interpretation of Pleiades 1B High Resolution Satellite Imagery (CSRT). The research results show that the Green Open Space (GOS) in Kadipaten Village is dominated by private rather than public green open space. The calculation results for the total oxygen needs of residents, motorized vehicles and animals are 5876.614 kg/day. In order for oxygen needs in Kadipaten Village to be met, the area of green open space that must be available is 116,081 Ha.