Conversion of Plastic Waste to Oil by Pyrolysis Method as Alternative Fuel


  • Pranoto Environmental Science Program, Postgraduate Program Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Mazlan Environmental Science Program, Postgraduate Program Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia


Pyrolysis, plastic waste, oil, alternative fuel


This research title is conversion of plastic waste to oil by pyrolysis method as alternative fuel. The aim of this research are to give solutions to the government in overcoming the plastic waste problem in Indonesia, especially to Bank Sampah Mekar Sari  in Mojosongo, Jebres, Surakarta and as an alternative fuel to petroleum fuel. The method ware used in this study is the pyrolysis method with LPJ gas as a source of heat energy. To convert 3 kg of plastic waste into oil by the pyrolysis method it takes 150 minutes (2.5 hours). The plastic waste was taken from the plastic waste collection place at Citra Plastik in Surakarta. Oil products ware determined the density and the compound content by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). heat energy requirements and efficiency of the pyrolysis method in the conversion of plastic waste to oil respectively were 614.8 kJ/minute and 83.3%. according to the value GCMS spectra, 92.8% of the compounds contained in the oil was entered the retention time range in  pertalite.







How to Cite

Conversion of Plastic Waste to Oil by Pyrolysis Method as Alternative Fuel. (2025). Ecotrends, 1(1), 37-41.