Efektivitas Bantuan Keuangan Desa (BKD) untuk Rehabilitasi Jalan di Kecamatan Kanor Kabupaten Bojonegoro
Effectiveness, Village Financial Assistance, Road RehabilitationAbstract
Village Financial Assistance can be interpreted as a form of financial support provided by the government to villages or village governments to improve public services, village development and empower village communities. Village financial assistance usually comes from the central government budget, regional budget, or through special programs aimed at village development. One of the aims of this activity is to increase the development of existing infrastructure in the village, namely improving roads in the form of building asphalt roads or rigid roads. . The aim of this research is to analyze the value of road pavement conditions in Kanor District using the Pavement condition index (PCI) method, analyze the relationship between PCI values and village financial assistance budgets for road rehabilitation and analyze the effectiveness of using village financial assistance at the planning, implementation and evaluation stages in the District Bojonegoro Regency Office. This research uses the PCI assessment as a basis for calculating road pavement conditions and the PCI decision matrix to determine road conditions. The research results show that the rehabilitation of roads in Pesen Village, Simbatan Village and Sumberwangi Village has been said to be effective based on planning, implementation and evaluation indicators. Road rehabilitation has been carried out well, the road condition is very adequate and functioning very well. It is hoped that the village government will maximize the management of village financial assistance provided by the central government and immediately carry out maintenance if minor damage occurs to the road.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tegar Ady Luhung; Ary Setyawan; Dewi Handayani

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