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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice (*.ood), Microsoft Word (*.doc;*.docx), or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


 Make sure the email used for correspondence is active and always accessed regularly (better if it is connected to a smartphone).

  1. Include a contact (HP/WhatsApp) that can be contacted when registering an account, this is used for urgent correspondence or to confirm the status of the article.
  2. All accepted papers will be tested with Turnitin software.
  3. Authors are required to submit original written articles.
  4. Article must be submitted in Microsoft Word document (.doc/.docx)




  1. Write a short, concise, and clear title that emphasize the novelty of the research or study.
  2. Avoid using the words “case study”, “influence”.
  3. The title is written in Senteces case format (capital at the beginning of the title).
  4. The title cannot be more than 125 words.
  5. For the sake of scientific ethics, the title may not include the name of the research subject and or the institution where the research takes place, especially if it does not get approval from the all concerned parties (Example: Analysis of students' critical thinking skills at SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar).


Author Identity


  1. The author listed in the article must really play a role in writing the article.
  2. The name is written in full and without mentioning the title.
  3. If there is an author's name only consists of one word, then the writing in OJS is repeated the first name and last name are the same or the first name is abbreviated from the leading letter accompanied by a period (.) and the last name is written in full. Example: a writer's name is only "Sajidan", then write as "Sajidan, Sajidan" or "S. Sajidan".
  4. All authors' names contained in the article (full text file) must also be written on the Bio-Pedagogy Journal page when submitting.
  5. If you have a Google Scholar, Scopus, or ORCID account, it is recommended to fill it in the author metadata section in OJS.


  1. Each author's name must be accompanied by affiliation (institution where you work or study)
  2. Please do not include professional information from the author (Example: Lecturer at UNS).
  3. If in one article there are several authors with the same affiliation, then the affiliation is enough to be written once.
  4. Affiliation format: Study Program/department, Institution/Institution/University, City, Province, Postal Code, Country. Example: Biology Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Central Java, 57126, Indonesia.


  1. Each author's email should be listed in.
  2. Email used for correspondence (communication between author and editor) is marked with an asterisk (*).



  1. Abstracts must contain objectives, methods, results, and conclusions that are presented briefly, concisely and clearly so that they can show novelty compared to other existing research.
  2. Abstract does not contain citations, formulas, tables, symbols, and images.
  3. Indonesian Abstract is written in good and correct Indonesian.
  4. The English abstract begins with the title of the English version in bold.
  5. Avoid using unfamiliar or non-standard terms.
  6. Abstract should not be more than 300 words.



  1. Keywords should reflect the content of the article, making it easier for other authors to find and cite the article.
  2. The writing of keywords is not abbreviated and uses terms that are common in biology education.
  3. Keywords in English (keywords) are not the result of translation, but similar terms that are common in English in accordance with the field of biology education.
  4. The introduction must contain the background, the urgency of the research, and the analysis.



  1. The introduction must contain the background, urgency of the research, and analysis of gaps with the reality or existing research, so that it can show the contribution of the novelty given.
  2. The purpose of the research should be clearly stated in the introduction
  3. The introduction should not contain tables and figures.
  4. The introduction is presented in a straightforward manner.



  1. The method contains data collection and analysis techniques used to obtain results. Can also describe the respondents used in the study.
  2. Explain why the method was chosen, not describe about the method.
  3. Formulas are written with an equation editor, not pasted as images.
  4. The formula must include the primary source used as a reference.
  5. For writers whose articles are not the result of research, this method section can be used to contain the stages of extracting information, and the criteria for information sources used to conduct critical and in-depth studies.


Results and Discussion:

  1. Results and discussion at least include “what?” that conveys the results or findings of the research, the data presented is not raw data, "why?" scientific studies and it is seen that there is a link between the results obtained and the basic concepts; "what else?" compare the results of your research with other research, it is recommended to provide implications for research results both from theoretical and application.
  2. The results and discussion are written in one unit, it is not allowed to separate the results and discussion, especially in the form of a new chapter. The discussion is carried out directly by reviewing sharply one by one the research results obtained with the support of relevant references, especially from primary sources. The results presented in this section are “clean” results.
  3. Data analysis processes such as statistical calculations and hypothesis testing processes do not need to be presented. Only the results of the analysis and the results of hypothesis testing need to be reported. Research results can be supplemented with tables, figures and graphs (separate writing provisions) to clarify the presentation of results.



  1. The conclusion contains a statement from the results of the analysis of the discussion carried out on the research findings and answers the research objectives. The conclusion emphasizes the novelty of the discovery or development carried out. Conclusions are written briefly, concisely and clearly in one paragraph.
  2. If there are suggestions from research related to research results to be developed by other researchers, they can be presented briefly and clearly in a new paragraph or written in a unified conclusion.


Acknowledgments (Optional):

Acknowledgments contain the appreciation given by the author to those who have played a role in the research, both in the form of financial support, licensing, consultants, as well as assisting in data collection.



The bibliography is written in accordance with the citations in the article, the minimum number of references is 20 references with >75% from primary sources (journals) with the latest 10 years. The bibliography is compiled using reference management and formating applications such as Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote, with reference to the APA 7th Edition (American Psychological Association) format.


Tables and Figures:

  1. Tables and figures must match the informative needs of the paper.
  2. Each table, picture, and graph must be accompanied by a caption, for the table caption it is located at the top of the table, while the image/graphic caption is located at the bottom.
  3. Captions (titles) of tables and figures must be numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3,...).
  4. The words “Table” and “Figure” and numbering are in bold.
  5. Captions begin with a capital letter in every word except conjunctions.
  6. Tables and figures should be placed at the beginning or end of a page.
  7. Provide a narrative review related to the table or figure that will be presented accompanied by including the number of the table or figure presented.
  8. Images and graphics must be of good resolution.
  9. For graphics, it is highly recommended to have color without a graph title, for legends it can be written next to the graph.
  10. The table must contain at least two rows of data and only use the lines at the top and bottom of the table head and a closing at the end of the data.
  11. Tables and figures and their titles are centered (aligned).
  12. Leave a space of one line between the table or figure and the text before and after it.
  13. Give a picture border to the image with a line thickness of pt.
  14. If the table or figure is too long, display it on the appendix page.


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