Evaluasi Perancangan Struktur Perkerasan Kaku (Rigid Pavement) Ruas Jalan Suwaloh-Margomulyo Kecamatan Balen Kabupaten Bojonegoro
Evaluation, Village Road Planning, Rigid PavementAbstract
In Bojonegoro Regency, currently most of the road construction is rigid pavement. Because maintenance costs are relatively cheaper and the material durability is higher than flexible pavement. The road connecting Bulu Village, Balenrejo village and Suwaloh Village, Balen District, Bojonegoro Regency, hereinafter called Suwaloh–Margomulyo Road. This road is 1.8 kilometers long and stretches across 3 villages, namely Bulu Village to the east, Balenrejo Village in the middle, and Suwaloh Village to the west. The condition of the road at that time was badly damaged. One of the causes of the damage to the road was because during the harvest season the road was passed by trucks carrying rice with loads exceeding the permitted tonnage (Overload). So, this study will re-design rigid pavement and then compare the results, whether it becomes thicker or thinner. This study also compares the existing design RAB and alternative designs to be made by the authors. Based on the existing conditions on the Suwaloh-Margomulyo road section which plans road work with specifications using wiremesh iron reinforcement, strous, dowel, tiebar which are not in accordance with the guidelines of Rev 2003 and MDPJ 2017. Then it is necessary to evaluate the performance of the existing concrete slab. Based on the results of kenpave analysis, alternative designs were obtained with specifications of 25cm concrete slab thickness, plain concrete obtained Smaller load reps (Noccur) rather than repetition of load permits (Nizin) so that the design meets the criteria. Rigid pavement work does not use reinforcement or plain concrete amounting to Rp.5,819,699,461 including 11% VAT. From the calculation of the cost of each rigid pavement work using reinforcing iron with rigid pavement work without reinforcement or plain concrete, a cost difference of Rp. 3,079,456,000 is obtained, So, Alternative Design is Cheaper because Road Design does not Use Reinforcement.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Agustiya Eko Wahyudi; Florentina Pungky Pramesti; Ary Setyawan

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