Habitus in Rewang as a Manifestation of Community Solidarity


  • Heidy Sisiliani Rindang Universitas Sebelas Maret Author
  • Bani Sudardi Universitas Sebelas Maret Author
  • Widodo Aribowo Universitas Sebelas Maret Author




Rewang, gotong royong, habitus, local wisdom


ABSTRACT: This study examines the practice of rewang(collective help) in Ngelo village, Indonesia with the lens of Pierre Bourdieu's theory of practice. Rewang is a form of gotongroyong (mutual assistance and community solidarity), a core value in Javanese culture, where villagers come together to assist one another during significant life events. This research is a qualitative study and uses case study approach. This research draws on interviews withinformants and direct field observation to explore how rewang shapes and reflects the habitusof individuals within the community. The findings reveal that rewang serves as a site where habitus is formed, reinforced, and negotiated, contributing to the reproduction of social structures and cultural values. The practice fosters social cohesion by strengthening community bonds, reinforcing collective identity, and facilitating the transmission of cultural knowledge across generations. The gendered division of labor within rewang highlights retains social norms and expectations, while also reinforcing the valued contributions of both men and women in maintaining social harmony.


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