Principles of Good Governance in the Politics of Health Care Law


  • Nyata Nabela Fadhalia Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Sebelas Maret


In the 1945 Constitution Article 28 H paragraph (1) it is explained that everyone has the right to live in and out of prosperity, reside, and get a good and healthy living environment and the right to obtain health services. The statement shows that the importance of Health for everyone is a human right and also a component of public welfare contained in the ideals of the Indonesian nation. If health services are quality and guaranteed, then the country's development and economy will be stable and long-term health investments will be more advanced. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of good governance in the legal politics of health services in Indonesia. The research method used is juridical normative which basically examines the problems of positive law. The results of his research are good governance or good government is a benchmark for the state for development in the public sector. Political law is a policy in the field of law that will be applied in order to achieve the goals of the state. So the politics of the law that produces the law is the product of politics. An example of a legal political policy in the field of Health is the National Social Security System. The purpose of the system is to provide social security as a whole to the community. Because everyone has the right to social security in order to meet the needs of a decent life and improve his degree.


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How to Cite

Principles of Good Governance in the Politics of Health Care Law. (2023). Sovereignty, 2(4), 402-407.