The Effect of Brain Gym Double Doodle on Improving the Writing Ability of Tunagrahita Students at SD Al-Firdaus Surakarta
The Effect of Brain Gym Double Doodle on Improving the Writing Ability of Tunagrahita Students at SD Al-Firdaus Surakarta
brain gym, double doodle, write beginnings, mental retardationAbstract
The subject had difficulty in thickening letters, letters were thickened out of line, not outlined, and not neat. In addition, in making vertical, horizontal, and wavy straight lines, this study aimed to determine the effect of brain gym double doodle on improving the ability to write beginnings in students with disabilities at SD Al-Firdaus Surakarta.The subject of the study was a grade 1 student at SD Al-Firdaus Surakarta who struggled with writing thick letters and neatness. A quantitative research approach using a single subject design experimental method was employed, following the A-B-A model. Data was collected through a written test of 20 questions and analyzed using tables and graphs. Reliability test results using SPSS 29 obtained 0.759, meaning a high level of agreement between raters. The reliability test indicated a high level of agreement between raters.The findings revealed that the mean level of writing in the baseline-1 phase was 45, which improved to 83 during the intervention phase (B), and then dropped to 78 in the baseline-2 phase (A2). Based on the results, it could be concluded that brain gym double doodle had a positive effect on the writing abilities of students with disabilities at SD Al-Firdaus Surakarta
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