Improving collaboration skills through the implementation of differentiated learning with a discovery learning model in junior high schools


  • Dewi Inda Musni Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Bayu Antrakusuma Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia



The learning process designed and implemented by science teachers has not been optimal in improving collaboration skills. This class action research aims to analyze the improvement of collaboration skills through the implementation of differentiated learning using cooperative learning models. The subjects of this class action research were 30 students of class VIIA SMPN 27 Surakarta. This research was conducted in the odd semester of the 2023/2024 academic year with the material of the Nature of Science and the Scientific Method in Natural Science subjects. The research instruments used were rubrics and questionnaires for collaboration skills observation sheets and learning implementation observation sheets. The steps of this research include the action planning stage, the action implementation stage with observation, and the reflection stage. The results showed that the implementation of differentiated learning using the discovery learning model improved collaboration skills as indicated by an increase in the percentage of collaboration skills scores. The percentage value of collaboration skills in the pre-cycle was 58.88% in the moderate category, in cycle I was 69.21% in the high category, and in cycle II was 73.33% in the high category. Differentiated learning using the discovery learning model improves collaboration skills.


differentiated learning , discovery learning , collaboration skills


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How to Cite

Musni, D. I., & Antrakusuma, B. (2024). Improving collaboration skills through the implementation of differentiated learning with a discovery learning model in junior high schools. Innovations in Science Education and Practice, 1(1), 18–24.


