Analysis of junior high school students' questions based on bloom's revised taxonomy in terms of gender and school achievement level


  • Syahwa Adila Gepsi Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Supurwoko Supurwoko Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Febriani Sarwendah Asri Nugraheni Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia



Active involvement of students in the learning process is needed to make it easier for students to understand science material and to increase student curiosity. One of the important abilities to be developed is the skill of asking questions by students. In this study, researchers analysed the quantity and quality of students' questions in terms of gender differences and school achievement levels. This study aims to determine the profile of student questions in terms of gender and school achievement level and to find out whether there is a relationship between the level of student questions with gender and the level of student questions with school achievement level. The population of this study was 3 junior high schools / MTs in Ngemplak District, Boyolali Regency.  The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. The data collection technique used observation technique. The data analysis technique was descriptive and correlation test. The results of descriptive data analysis showed that there were differences in the profile of questions asked by students of different genders and students from schools with different levels of achievement, both in terms of the number, level and indicators of questions. As seen from the correlation test results, a significance value of 0.470 was obtained; meaning that there is no significant relationship between the level of questions and gender. The results of the correlation test between the level of questions and the level of school achievement also showed that there was no significant relationship between the level of questions and the level of school achievement, with a significance value of 0.531. These results may occur due to several other factors outside of gender and school achievement level, including the school zoning system and different learning time factors that make the difference in the level of questions based on gender and school achievement level insignificant. 


student questions , gender differences , school achievement levels


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How to Cite

Gepsi, S. A., Supurwoko, S., & Nugraheni, F. S. A. (2024). Analysis of junior high school students’ questions based on bloom’s revised taxonomy in terms of gender and school achievement level . Innovations in Science Education and Practice, 1(1), 25–35.


