Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

Peer Reviewers

The number of reviewers typically enrolled in reviewing a submission is at least two.

The reviewers of SALMADIAN are selected upon several considerations: having a good understanding of English, being knowledgeable in international relations and global issues related to international relations study, currently working as active researchers, and having one or more recent publications in peer-reviewed journals.

SALMADIAN also invite authors to recommend suitable reviewers for submission of their manuscript. Nonetheless, when recommending reviewers, the following points should be considered:

  • Authors should not recommend reviewers with whom they have a conflict of interest, for example, a close collaborator or colleague.
  • Recommended reviewers should not be at the same institute as any of the authors listed on the manuscript.
  • Institutional email addresses should be provided for recommended reviewers, wherever possible.

The principles for recruiting and selecting reviewers to review a manuscript is the responsibility of the Section Editors and is based on many factors, including expertise, reputation, specific recommendations of authors and editors, and the Editor’s own knowledge of a reviewer’s past performance. As part of our editorial procedure, we always confer with potential reviewers to ask for their availability and willingness before sending them manuscripts to be reviewed. SALMADIAN also asks reviewers to bear in mind that even the initial review request contains confidential information, which should be regarded as such.

Peer Review Policy

The typical time taken to conduct the review of an article is between 4-6 months.

Every manuscript submitted to SALMADIAN is independently reviewed by at least two reviewers in the form of a "double-blind review". The decision for publication, amendment, or rejection of a submission is taken by the Editorial Board based on the reports/recommendations of the reviewers. In certain cases, the editor may submit an article to a third reviewer before making a decision, if necessary.

The article will be reviewed whether it aligns with the focus and scope of SALMADIAN, contains any major methodological or theoretical weaknesses, and has comprehensive discussion and analysis.  


The review process is strictly confidential and should be treated as such by reviewers. As the author may have chosen to exclude some people from this process, no one who is not directly involved with the manuscript (including colleagues and other experts in the field) should be consulted by the reviewer unless such consultations have been discussed first with the Section Editor. Reviewers must not take any confidential information they have gained in the review process and use it before the paper is published. Even after publication, unless they have the permission of the authors to use other information, reviewers may only use publicly published data (i.e. the contents of the published article) and not information from any earlier drafts.