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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The article body is written in 4500-6500 words excluding the bibliography, using Helvetica 12 pt, 1.5 spacing, and is written on A4 sized paper.
  • The submission file must be in the form of Word file (either .doc or .docx).
  • The references and citations shall conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) style, either 6th or 7th edition.
  • Shall the article is written in Indonesian, the abstract then must be written in English, whereas an English written article shall have an Indonesian abstract.

Author Guidelines

The SALMADIAN Journal seeks to publish scientific articles that discuss themes related to International Relations, International Politics, International Economy, and Global Contemporary Issues. The SALMADIAN Journal only accepts original articles that have never been published in any journal before. So, authors may not send article manuscripts that have been published elsewhere (including blogs), either in whole or in part, and manuscripts that are simultaneously sent to other journal publishers or are in the process of being reviewed by the SALMADIAN Journal or other editorial boards.

Submission of Article

Before submitting the article, authors should register at the OJS website as authors and follow the step by steps. Authors should follow SALMADIAN’s journal template.

Preparation for the article

  • Authors may not send articles that have been published elsewhere (including blogs), either in whole or in part, and manuscripts that are simultaneously sent to other journal publishers or are in the process of being reviewed by the SALMADIAN Journal or other editorial boards.
  • Article length: 4500-6500 words excluding references.
  • Page Setting: A4 paper size (210x297 mm), non-column.
  • The title of the article must be specific and effective, consisting of 9-15 words (in Indonesian or English).
  • An abstract consisting of 200-250 words written in a single paragraph and a single space, followed by keywords (3-5 words).
  • Body Text: Helvetica 12, 1.5 space.

The contents of the article should be:

  1. relevant to the needs of the teaching-learning process in the field of international relations.
  2. related to focus and scope such as International Relations, International Politics, International Economy, and Global Contemporary Issues.
  3. attentive to the objectivity of the substances and also to the norms of scientific methods.

Writing Format

  • Title (Helvetica 12, Bold, 1.5 Space, Center Align)

The title of the article must be specific and effective. Titles can be written in English or Indonesian and consist of 9-15 words.

  • The Author Name (Helvetica 12, Bold, 1.5 Space, Center Align)

The author name includes the full names of the (correspondent) author and the affiliated author(s). For articles written by more than one author, the name of the corresponding author should be marked (*). The author's name should be written in the same font type and size as the rest of the text. Multiple authors from different institutions should be identified with numbers like (1), followed by institution names below the author names. Maximum 5 authors.


Angga Yunanda1*, Iqbal Ramadhan1, Syifa Hadju1, Amanda Manopo1, Nicholas Saputra1

1 Universitas Sebelas Maret


Angga Yunanda1*, Iqbal Ramadhan1, Syifa Hadju2, Amanda Manopo2, Nicholas Saputra2

1 Universitas Sebelas Maret

2 Universitas Diponegoro


  • Abstract (Helvetica 12, 1 Space, Italic, Justify)

The abstract is written in English, if the journal article is in Indonesian, conversely if the journal article is in English, the abstract is written in Indonesian. Written in italics (12 pt - Italic) and the number of words is 200-250. Keywords 3-5 words not italic. Format left margin 30 mm and right margin 20 mm, 1 space. The abstract summarizes briefly and clearly: 

(a) the aim and scope of the paper, 

(b) the theory/concept used, 

(c) a summary of the results/discussion, 

(d) a brief conclusion.

  • Introduction (Helvetica 12, 1.5 Space, Justify)

In the introductory section, it is explained: 

  1. a brief general background of the study, 
  2. state of the art (brief literature review) of previous research/writings such as journal articles related to the case being studied,
  3. reasons for having a topic. 
  • Conceptual framework (Helvetica 12, 1.5 Space, Justify)

The conceptual framework used to analyze the case discussed or the object of writing and its relationship to the topic/case discussed.

  • Methodology (Helvetica 12, 1.5 Space, Justify)

Describe the methodology used in research, by outlining the type of research, data sources, data collection, and analysis techniques.

  • Results and Discussion (Helvetica 12, 1.5 Space, Justify)

Contains a description: 

  1. A coherent explanation of the case taken accompanied by data and facts (with sources), 
  2. provide your analysis using the conceptual framework used in the case,
  3. the writing structure includes Argument, Reasoning, Evidence, and Link Back. Can strengthen data using images or tables by including the name for the table placed above and the name for the image placed below.
  4. Citation must written in bodynote type.

  • Conclusion (Helvetica 12, 1.5 Space, Justify)

       A brief and clear description of: 

  1. a sufficient answer to the problem or research objective (do not discuss any further); 
  2. is the author's conclusion logically and honestly based on the facts obtained;
  3. may add implications or suggestions (not mandatory). It is best to write it in paragraph form, not in list/numbering item form.
  • References (Helvetica 12, 1.5 Space, Justify)

(8.1) Format APA 7” (American Psychological Association). References of articles originating from more than one type should be classified according to books, journals, research reports, working papers, seminar papers, newspapers/magazines, official publications, annual reports, articles, and other media at the time of initial submission. We recommend using citation devices on References tools in MS Word, Mendeley, Zetero, or Mybib.

The author guidelines template can be accessed through this link.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.