Parental Acceptance of Children with Intellectual Disabilities at SLB X, North Lampung
acceptances , parents, intellectual disabilityAbstract
This research aims to determine the acceptance of parents towards children with intellectual disabilities at SLB X Lampung Utara. The study used a quantitative descriptive approach with a survey method on parents of children with intellectual disabilities. Data were collected through questionnaires and filled out by one of the parents. The results showed that the majority of parents were aged 30–40 years and above, with a high school education and most of them were housewives. As many as 65% of parents experienced shock and confusion, 30% were disappointed, 10% were angry, and blamed themselves. However, currently 100% of parents have tried to accept it sincerely. Self-belief (80%) is the most influential factor in parental acceptance. Meanwhile, society's negative views of children (30%) are the biggest inhibiting factor experienced by parents. Surrendering to God was chosen by 40% of parents as an effort to accept their child's condition. Most parents (85%) have experienced stigma regarding their child's special needs condition. As many as 80% of parents answered that the stigma was mostly obtained from people they did not know. In general, parents have high and realistic hopes for their child's future. So it can be concluded that parents go through a difficult time in acceptance, but the efforts and support from those around them help them in accepting and adjusting to children with intellectual disabilities.
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