About the Journal

AKUMULASI: Indonesian Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance is published by Vocational School, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia, regularly (every six months) in June and December. The AKUMULASI journal, consistent with its objectives, is expected to have a sufficiently broad range of readers. In addition, it is hoped that the contents of this journal are interesting for academics, practitioners, regulatory researchers, students, and other parties concerned with the development of professions and practices of applied accounting and finance in Indonesia.

This journal try to communicate the scientific work related to the field of accounting and finance. This journal covers research in Financial Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Management Accounting, Islamic Accounting and Financial Management, Accounting Information System, Accounting Education, Auditing, Taxation, Corporate Finance, Capital Market, Banking, and Sustainability Reporting. The Reviewer of this journal also comes from the practitioners in industry. 

AKUMULASI is an journal with International Standard Serial Number:

ISSN (online) : 2964-884X
ISSN (print)    : 2963-2757

Prospective authors should consult the Guidelines for Author prior to submitting their works. All submissions are double blind reviewed by peer reviewers.


Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): December (in-Press)
View All Issues


AKUMULASI: Indonesian Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance is published by Vocational School, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia, regularly (every six months) in June and December. The purpose of this journal is to publish the research results and thoughts on applied accounting and finance which is relevant to the development of accounting and finance professions and practices in Indonesia.

The AKUMULASI journal, consistent with its objectives, is expected to have a sufficiently broad range of readers. In addition, it is hoped that the contents of this journal are interesting for academics, practitioners, regulatory researchers, students, and other parties concerned with the development of professions and practices of applied accounting and finance in Indonesia.

Journal Scope

The purpose of this journal is to publish the research results and thoughts on applied accounting and finance which is relevant to the development of accounting and finance professions and practices in Indonesia. This journal covers research in the following areas:

Financial Accounting
Public Sector Accounting
Management Accounting
Islamic Accounting and Financial Management
Accounting Information System
Accounting Education
Corporate Finance
Capital Market
Sustainability Reporting

Issue Frequency

Published regularly (every six months) in June and December.

Journal Publisher

Vocational School, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

Jalan Kolonel Sutarto Number 150K, Jebres, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia 57126
Phone             : (0271) 662622
ISSN (online) : 2964-884X
ISSN (print)    : 2963-2757