Implementation of Government’s Internal Control System to Realizing Good Governance in Dinas Bina Marga and Cipta Karya in Indonesia
good governance, government internal control system, government regulationAbstract
This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Government's Internal Control System and its contribution to realizing Good Governance in Dinas Bina Marga and Cipta Karya in one of the provinces in Indonesia. This study used mixed methods that combine qualitative and quantitative methods. In the qualitative method, the researchers used interviews, observation, and documentation. The participants were staff of the office and they were interviewed by the researchers. A total of 20 respondents were asked to fill out questionnaires. The results show the implementation of the government's internal control system in Dinas Bina Marga and Cipta Karya is excellent. However, a few shortcomings need to be addressed. Additionally, the contribution of the government's internal control system to good governance is significantly positive, accounting for 73.2%.
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