Focus and Scope

The Indonesian Journal of Environment and Disaster (IJED) is a multi- disciplinary journal covering environment and disaster science and its implementation in society and development. The articles at IJED are expected to contain facts, problems and directions for solving problems regarding the environment and disasters both occurring in Indonesia and abroad. Coverage includes, but is not limited to, the following research topics and areas:

  1. Environment
    1. Abiotic environment
    2. Biotic environment
    3. Social and cultural Environment
    4. Impact development to environment
    5. Environment management
  2. Disaster
    1. Disaster Preparedness
    2. Emergency Response
    3. Rehabilitation and reconstruction
    4. Mitigation and Adaptation
    5. Impact of development to disaster
    6. Disaster management
  3. Education
    1. Environment Education
    2. Disaster Education

The Indonesian Journal of Environment and Disaster (IJED) is published one year twice in April and October.

The Indonesian Journal of Environment and Disaster opens up opportunities for you

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